Saturday, September 27, 2008


First, I must say that Planet Earth's "Ocean Deep" was a success. The fourth-grades in my classroom have already merited two more teacher compliments which count toward the next episode. I think we will be watching "Caves" next week!

Last night Jenny, Nathan, Grandpa Bezzant, my two roommates, Dan and I went to the BYU Choral Showcase to see Melinda in Women's Chorus. It was good to be back in the HFAC's de Jong Concert Hall--though it made me miss being on the other end of the stage. Women's chorus is one of the keenest pleasures I had in college, and I miss it. It was good to see Melinda in the choir, though. She came over just before her concert to get ready, and we shared some Balsamic Chicken Salad. I just love my family! It was so good to see Dan as well.

Tonight is the General Relief Society Broadcast. I am excited to go--this General Conference season is my favorite part of Fall. My roommates and I will attend a Stake Luncheon before the broadcast, and then we will attend the conference in the Marriot Center. Afterwards, the plan is to go to "Color Me Mine" and paint some of our own pottery. I am excited to spend the afternoon with them, as one of my roomates will be moving out by the first of next month. It will be good to spend some time together.

I am excited, yet can hardly believe, that October is only three days away! That means Christmas is less than three months away, though. I can't wait. Christmas at my home in VA is a lovely thing to see, indeed.


  1. Post Script:

    This image of the BYU Women's Chorus, as directed by Jean Appolonie, is actually from my first semester in WC. This was the concert where we sang "The Echoing Green," I specifically remember. You won't find me in the picture, but I was there... singing second soprano and loving it.

    It was a treat to come upon this photo in the random google>image search.

  2. Cool that you found a photo from your past. Taking time to sing makes life worthwhile.

