Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Hill Cumorah Pageant 2011

With this, I think I have finally caught up on the goings on of this summer. One of the most significant things we did as a family was the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, NY. We spent 17 days camping, acting, getting into costumes, meeting people, sharing our beliefs and inviting them to learn more--and most importantly, feeling the Spirit. I will never forget how I felt as I participated in the scene of Christ's Descending to the Americas.

Mom, Trina and I were all Wicked Noah Citizens

Heather was a spoil of war slave, Melinda was Mary in Nephi's Vision
Some of the girls in my cast team
My whole cast team, minus the DeLaMare's.

By the way, the DeLaMare's own a candy factory in Utah. Look at some of this work!


  1. That is so cool!!! What a fun way to play with candy! And thanks for posting about Cumorah - can't wait to hear more!

  2. Wow, that's so cool. I just found out about this pageant and totally want to go next time.
