Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We made it!

Through Utah, Colorado, Kansas (who knew THAT state was so wide?), Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and finally, BAM! I'm in Virginia! With help of former roommate Ashley, we made it through wind, rain, and two nights of hotels. I went through about a quart of oil, plenty of gas gallons, and lots of cds on tape.

It's great to be back with family. Jenny and Isaac were in town visiting, so 'Shley and I got to spend some fun times with them.

Our first day home, we toured Leesburg. More on that later.

Then, yesterday, we went to DC. Pictures on that to come.

Today, we finished the BBC mini series "Little Dorrit," and then I took 'Shley to the airport. It was fun, though hard to say goodbye. It means that I really am far away from those friends I have in Provo. I am grateful for technology which enhances keeping in touch... and I don't even have facebook. Just email and phone is great for me.

It's good to be home!


  1. I swear Indiana lasts for--evv--eer. The maps are wrong. It's gotta be the biggest state in the union.

  2. Hey, 'Leste!
    Thanks for the awesome Father's Day greeting!
    I am glad to know you guys made it safely and had a good time. I am already so excited to see you this fall.
    I am also in the process of writing you a sweet email. It will be... sweet.
    Finally, as Kevin Grow would say, "Aw, I miss your guts!"
