Monday, August 24, 2009

My Week End

It was a beautiful week, but it was kind of nice to see it END. After a summer of work and prep, here's a "smidge" of what happened.

Some red-headeds were wedded

I saw all of my sisters, including amazing new mom, Jenny

Jenny and THREE DAY OLD niece lily

I learned how to make a cake...and who ever came up with the phrase "easy as cake" has obviously never done a wedding. Thanks for the help, Mom!

I spent time with this sharp man in a yellow tie

I met the wonderful Teicherts. They are simply a delight!

I had some great hiking pictures, but I couldn't get them to load. We went to Bear's Den today before seeing those Teicherts off.

What was your week like?


  1. Awesome cake!

    Did you make it to Harper's Ferry?

  2. Oh my, oh my. Thanks for posting. Everyone is gorgeous! I can't get over that sisters picture. Wish I could have been there. Your cake was amazing, too! Congrats to Jenny & the arrival of Lily.

  3. How wonderful! I"m sure glad you have such an amazing family! Sure do miss you guys!

  4. Um... yeah... that is one swell cake. Mad props to you and your unbounded domesticity.

  5. Danforth, I couldn't have expressed it better myself.

  6. How fun! You did a great job on the wedding cake...beautiful!! I know that those are a lot of work!!

  7. I'm not even surprised how amazing that cake looks. I just expect nothing less from you Celeste. :) It looks like it was a fabulous wedding with wonderful people! I miss you, my beautiful friend.

    And no. Arie has offered before, but I'm not going to let him touch my hair -- even though I love him dearly. I think his talents lie elsewhere...

  8. Holy awesome cake!!!! I now dub you fit for Ace of Cakes on the Food Network.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
