Being back East is wonderful--yet in the last week, I have been contemplating changing my sleeping arrangement to include something along the lines of this baby's sweet set-up. Here's why: the bugs are out.
It tends to get a little warm at night up in Sarah's old room, despite relative A.C. and fan, so I often sleep with my feet uncovered. This morning I woke up with itchy ankles. Nothing too new, as VA is home to many misquito fiends. Well, apparently Sarah's room is host to at least one of these vampiric insects; I have no less than six bites under my right ankle... tic tac toe, all in a row.
It reminds me of the summer I came home from girls' camp with 43 bug bites on my legs. That was my first year, when I was 12, foolish, and forgot my bug spray.
Looks like more blueberries are in order for my daily diet. Until then, it's hard to resist itching. I don't even realize I am doing it half the time. It makes me wonder how parents ever get their kids through Chicken Pox.